Cody Yellowstone
Air Improvement Resources
Cody Yellowstone Air Improvement Resources (CYAIR) was created in 2010 as a citizen support group for the Yellowstone Regional Airport (YRA) in Cody, Wyoming. CYAIR, as a private, non-profit organization, is designed to augment the work of YRA in the community and support the YRA mission:
To enhance air service and provide a better quality of life for the flying community of Northwest Wyoming.
Air service in Cody is supported by our residents, local businesses, Wyoming Department of Transportation Aeronautics Division, and County and Town Governments.
Establish relationships with air service providers to increase routes and maintain competitive pricing.
Establish the means to generate funding necessary to increase the number of hub connections, secure additional flights, obtain better schedules, and achieve better pricing.
Combine our knowledge of the traveling business, tourist, and local resident with industry data to create compelling proposals to providers.
Coordinate with YRA’s marketing efforts to increase enplanements and capture market leakage to other regional airports.
Educate our local community to the benefits of high-quality air service for businesses and residents.